Friend Accepted Notification In Wapka site Activity stream or what’s on your mind

We all know at facebook, when somebody accept a friend request, it display a notification on the activity stream that e.g

“collins now friend with jeff”.
Am going to be tutoring us, how to implement this feature on wapka community site.

Follow the step below to add friend accepted notification to display in activity stream

Login to your site admin mode.
Navigate to your site top autocontent page i.e page with site-id “-1”
Add the below code to the page via click edit site -> XHTML/WML.
:userstats:d=fa,ft=new,l=1::<form method="post" action="blog_A.xhtml">
<a href="%urlprofile%" >%tname% wants to be your friend...
<input type="hidden" name="blog_title" value="my Shared msgs" />
<input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="new"/>
<input type="hidden" name="blog_body" value="is now friend with [user]%tname%[/user]"/>:admin-hash-input:
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Accept"/> %ref%
</form>:: <br />:/userstats:
Note: change A in the above code to the site ID of the page you going to create to add the code in below step.
Create a page (remember, this page you about to create is the page we assume to have site id A as explain above.) and add the low code.
If you are not automatically redirected, click <a href="/friends_0.xhtml?set_stav=0&ret_s=0&usr=:userstats: d=fa,ft=new,l=1::%tname%:: :/userstats::admin-hash-amp:">here</a>.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;URL=/friends_0.xhtml?set_stav=0&ret_s=0&usr=:userstats: d=fa,ft=new,l=1::%tname%:: :/userstats::admin-hash-amp:"/>
NOTE: Change 0 in the above code to the site
NOTE: Change 0 in the above code to the site id u want it to redirect to after accepting friend request. Preferably, change it to the site id of the Activity stream page.

Tutorial Ended.
P.S If you are viewing this site on mobile device, ignore the

when copying the tutorial codes.

If you encounter a problem implementing this feature to your wapka site, or you have a contribution to make, use the comment form below.
We will love to hear from you.

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