How to sort out office 365 not opening?

To repair office 365 not opening, click-to-Run application. Depending on the Windows version that is installed on the computer, carry out these actions as necessary.

Specifically for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8, try these:

Firstly, enter "Control Panel" in the Windows Start search box & tap the Control Panel.

Further, click or touch Uninstall software from the list of programs.

Then select Change after tapping Microsoft 365.

Finally, pick QuickRepair and then choose Repair. Following the completion of the repair process, your computer might need to be restarted.

How To Fix Microsoft Office 365 won't Open Problem?

How To Fix Microsoft Office 365 won't Open Problem?

Microsoft Office 365 won’t open especially when you recently updated your computer’s Windows. If you can’t open any Office program, fix it here.