Sony A8F / Sony AF8 OLED review

While numerous home film fans grasped the blend of Sony preparing and OLED innovation conveyed by 2017's A1 TVs, parts of this present range's outline demonstrated troublesome.

A few people didn't care for the way its screen tilted somewhat back, or the way the screen was bolstered by a calculated leg that made the TV too profound to sit effectively on a household item. Some were additionally baffled that you couldn't hang the A1s on a divider.

Prompt the new Sony A8F OLED range (or AF8 in the UK). These all the more clearly outlined OLED TVs - as spoke to here by the 55-inch KD-55AF8 - are an immediate reaction to the A1's requesting approach. Simply don't anticipate that them will move Sony's OLED discussion along in some other way…


The 55AF8 truly is significantly simpler to suit in a normal front room than the A1 arrangement. The vertical screen will work better for most lounge room courses of action, and the evacuation of the inclining leg keeps the screen's profundity to only five centimeters or something like that. Thus, it's no issue to divider hang, and sits effortlessly on any piece of furniture. Particularly as the screen lays low on a basic, strikingly-little and midway mounted work area stand.

The 55AF8 doesn't convey a total tasteful takeoff from the A1s, however. For example, its ultra-slender edge and without neck stand again embody Sony's craving to limit the visual effect of their equipment, so your consideration is centered exclusively around the photos you're viewing.

There's additionally a bass port incorporated with the set's back, as there was with the A1. Above all of all, there are no other unmistakable speakers, in light of the fact that the 55AF8 joins the A1 in utilizing its screen to make its sound.

As it were, its 'Acoustic Surface' innovation utilizes exciters joined to the back of the screen to vibrate it into making (stereo) sound.

Shrewd TV Features

So far I haven't been an aficionado of the Android TV stage Sony utilizes on its TVs - and that is not going to change with the 55AF8. Actually, Android is by all accounts showing signs of improvement.

The most serious issue is the effect attempting to run Android TV has on whatever is left of the TV's working framework. There are crashes and fizzled orders aplenty, and the menus in some cases set aside a crazy measure of opportunity to react to your decisions. Particularly for the initial couple of minutes after you've fueled the TV up from cool. Notwithstanding exchanging the TV on can take insofar as booting up a PC.

The Android UI has real issues, as well. Its full-screen approach looks jumbled and befuddling, its proposal framework doesn't generally appear to consider your survey inclinations and history, and there are no place sufficiently close alternatives for modifying the format to suit your necessities.

Sony claims that the AF8s will be moved up to get Android 8, which is required to introduce an altogether different interface. How about we trust this at last explains at any rate some of Android TV's long-running issues.

Luckily the 55AF8's shrewd highlights aren't a total failure. Among its honestly overpowering rundown of accessible applications, for moment, are the 4K HDR variants of Netflix, Amazon and YouTube. Additionally, Sony has fortunately figured out how to avoid Android TV's typical deficiencies with regards to the UK earthly telecaster's make up for lost time TV applications by getting YouView locally available.

YouView brings the BBC iPlayer, ITV Hub, All4, My 5 et cetera 'under one rooftop', and even gives you a chance to search for demonstrates you've missed by means of an electronic program direct that can look back and in addition forward through time.

Maybe the best thing to originate from the coordinated Android TV stage is worked in Chromecast bolster, for less demanding sharing of substance on your cell phones. There's additionally bolster for Google Assistant and Alexa voice control.

Brilliant highlights TL;DR: As well as being jumbled and unfeeling with its own particular interface, Android TV has an agonizingly harming sway on the convenience of the TV's essential operational menus.

HD/SDR Performance

The KD-55AF8 may simply be the best TV with standard powerful range, HD-determination content that there's ever been.

The way to the 55AF8's exceptional ability with the kind of sub-4K stuff the vast majority of regardless us invest the majority of our energy viewing is its X1 Extreme preparing motor. For example, its utilization of two implicit databases (one concentrated on expelling source clamor, the other devoted to figuring the look of every one of the a huge number of additional pixels required to transform HD into 4K) yields surprising outcomes. Everything except the grubbiest HD sources are changed into something that looks spotless, cleaned and takes after 4K more than it takes after HD. Indeed, even untidy HD sources look cleaner and more watchable than they have a tendency to even on great local HD TVs.


The 55AF8 likewise applies SDR to HDR transformation as standard to the dominant part of its photo presets. What's more, as with its determination upscaling, this HDR upconversion is wonderful, opening up the SDR picture's shading and shine to in any event midway HDR levels without leaving any part of the picture looking stressed or unnatural.

Adversary sets can convey more forceful HDR changes of SDR content, it ought to be said. For me, however, the Sony's more estimated approach is all the more reliably captivating.

On the off chance that you pick a preset -, for example, the Cinema one - that gives you a chance to watch SDR in its local shading and brilliance esteems, the 55AF8 again exceeds expectations. There's a stunning refinement to the way it handles detail, shading, light and shade that influences you to acknowledge why standard powerful range content led the home AV perch for so some time before HDR at last went along.

HD/SDR TL;DR: Sony's fantastic handling and the OLED innovation's pixel-level light controls assist it with delivering genuinely beautiful SDR and HD pictures.


Sony's superlative picture handling enables the 55AF8 to convey brilliantly unadulterated, clean pictures that leave home silver screen fans allowed to bathe in OLED's shocking dark levels and extraordinary difference and hues.

Best TV 2018: satisfy your eyes with the finest screens marked down at this point

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