How To Display Wapka Forum Topic Title When Sharing Wapka Forum Post To Social Network

It an outstanding issue experienced by wapka wapmasters in which discussion post title ordinarily don't show when sharing a substance to facebook, twitter and other interpersonal organization.

How To Display Wapka Forum Topic Title When Sharing Wapka Forum Post To Social Network
I have gotten a great deal of sends and messages from wapmasters, approaching me for an answer, which is the thing that goad me to compose this article.

Show discussion present title when sharing on informal organization

I figure you have a social sharing gadget introduce in a vital area on your gathering. In the event that you don't, Add the beneath code to your gathering Top autocontent page:-

<a href=""> Share to Facebook</a>

The above code add a facebook sharing gadget to your gathering

Still on wapka Admin board, snap or explore to Edit site - > wap2 - > Styles for content in gathering/visit - > Set worldwide settings of styles for discussion/talk - > under set claim shape for: click Messages in discussion, add the underneath code to the primary line inside the textarea under Style of the Forum site:**


With the fruitful consummation of the above strides, next is its specialized piece, take after my direction painstakingly as expressed beneath

Tap on your offer gadget to share a gathering post. You will be taken to the facebook or some other social nework sharing page. Before you submit, Now alter the url in your address bar. On the off chance that it facebook you sharing to, you will see this What you require do is expel the &hash=8790… . down to the end deserting At that point present the last Url and you will see your gathering post title show up.

NOTE: XXXX mean your own gathering ID.

One additionally activity for this to work successfully is, you should influence your gathering to open to visitor not limited to just enlisted clients.

In the event that this post have been of assistance to you, indicate increase by dropping your remark.

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