How To Create Wapka Blog System,Blog Code

I am going to tell you how to create Wapka blog Site like fundunia in your site..You will be able to create such blog system in wapka in minutes just follow the steps below.

You need 6 pages for this..
Goto ES > NEW PAGE > create 6 pages (visible only in admin mode)
1. Blogs system
2. Blog details Page
3. New Blogs
4. All blogs page
5. Blogs by id page
6. Blogs by users page
Creating Page 1:
Insert the following codes via ES > wml/xhtml
Create New Blog
New Blogs (last 10)
Blogs by ID’s
Blogs by user’s
All Blogs
Creating Page 2:
Inser the followind code via ES > WML/XHTMLNow here i wrote site_6, we will create it later in this tutorial..
here if you want that user can also copy the link to paste that innto their site, you can insert this code..Creating Page 3:
Here we will create New Blogs List..
insert theCreating Page 5:
Insert the following code via ES > WML/XHTML
Blog ID: User will write id and he will be redirected to read the blog depending on site_id
Creating Page 6:
Insert the following code via ES > WML/XHTML, this will create form to select user
User Name: you can change funduia to any other user name that you want to show as default user name..
Now to show blogs by selected users, insert this code


:bloglist:o=n,l=5,s=:get-page(1):,n=NO BLOGS YET,x=u ::


%title% %text-50% read:: :get-user(fundunia): :/bloglist:


:paging: n=:geti-page(1):, u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-page=%n% ::Pages: [%n%] [%n%] [%n%] … [%nlast%]:/paging:

Creating Page 1:
Insert the following codes via ES > wml/xhtml
<a href=":url-usr-blog:"><b>Create New Blog</b></a>
<a href=":url-site-3:"><b>New Blogs</b></a> (last 10)
<a href=":url-site-5:"><b>Blogs by ID's</b></a>
<a href=":url-site-6:"><b>Blogs by user's</b></a>
<a href=":url-site-4:"><b>All Blogs</b></a>

Creating Page 2:
Inser the followind code via ES > WML/XHTML

:bloglist:t=--,o=n,l=1,x=i,v=1::<h3 align="center">%title%</h3><div><b>Blog ID:</b> %id%</div><div><b>Creator:</b> <a href="/site_6.xhtml?get-user=%tname%">%name%</a> <a href="/profile/%tname%">?</a></div><div><b>Added:</b> %time%</div>%text%<div><b>Views:</b> %views%</div> <div><b>Comments:</b> <a href="%comments_url%">%comments_count%</a></div><br/><div><b>%edit%</b></div>:: :geti-id(1): :/bloglist:

:bloglist:t=--,o=n,l=1,x=i,v=1::<h3 align="center">%title%</h3><div><b>Blog ID:</b> %id%</div><div><b>Creator:</b> <a href="/site_6.xhtml?get-user=%tname%">%name%</a> <a href="/profile/%tname%">?</a></div><div><b>Added:</b> %time%</div>%text%<div><b>Views:</b> %views%</div> <div><b>Comments:</b> <a href="%comments_url%">%comments_count%</a></div><br/><div><b>%edit%</b></div>:: :geti-id(1): :/bloglist:
Now here i wrote site_6, we will create it later in this tutorial..
here if you want that user can also copy the link to paste that innto their site, you can insert this code..
<div>Use This Blog:</div><textarea>:bloglist:o=n,l=1,x=i::<a href="">%title%</a>:: :geti-id(1): :/bloglist:</textarea>

<div>Use This Blog:</div><textarea>:bloglist:o=n,l=1,x=i::<a href="">%title%</a>:: :geti-id(1): :/bloglist:</textarea>

Creating Page 3:
Here we will create New Blogs List..
insert the following code via ES > WML/xHTML
:bloglist:o=n,l=10,n=NO BLOGS YET::<div><div>%title% [<a href="/site_6.xhtml?get-user=%tname%"><b>%tname%</b></a>]</div>%text-50% <a href="site_2.html?get-id=%id%:admin-hash-amp:"><b>read</b></a></div>:: :/bloglist:

:bloglist:o=n,l=10,n=NO BLOGS YET::<div><div>%title% [<a href="/site_6.xhtml?get-user=%tname%"><b>%tname%</b></a>]</div>%text-50% <a href="site_2.html?get-id=%id%:admin-hash-amp:"><b>read</b></a></div>:: :/bloglist:
Creating Page 4:
Insert the following code via ES > WML/XHTmL

:bloglist:o=n,l=5,s=:get-page(1):,n=NO BLOGS YET::<div><div>%title% [<a href="/site_6.xhtml?get-user=%tname%"><b>%tname%</b></a>]</div>%text-50% <a href="site_2.html?get-id=%id%:admin-hash-amp:"><b>read</b></a></div>:: :/bloglist:<br/> :paging: n=:geti-page(1):, u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-page=%n% ::<div><b>Pages:</b> [%n%] [%n%] [%n%] ... [%nlast%]</div>:/paging:

:bloglist:o=n,l=5,s=:get-page(1):,n=NO BLOGS YET::<div><div>%title% [<a href="/site_6.xhtml?get-user=%tname%"><b>%tname%</b></a>]</div>%text-50% <a href="site_2.html?get-id=%id%:admin-hash-amp:"><b>read</b></div>:: :/bloglist:<br/> :paging: n=:geti-page(1):, u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-page=%n% ::<div><b>Pages:</b> [%n%] [%n%] [%n%] ... [%nlast%]</div>:/paging:
Creating Page 5:
Insert the following code via ES > WML/XHTML
<form action="/site_2.html" method="get">Blog ID: <input type="text" name="get-id" size="5"/><input type="submit" value="Go"/></form><form action="/site_2.html" method="get">Blog ID: <input type="text" name="get-id" size="5"/><input type="submit" value="Go"/></form>

User will write id and he will be redirected to read the blog depending on site_id
Creating Page 6:
Insert the following code via ES > WML/XHTML, this will create form to select user
<form action=":url-site-6:" method="get">User Name: <input type="text" value=":get-user(fundunia):" name="get-user" size="10"/><input type="submit" value="Show"/></form><br/><form action=":url-site-6:" method="get">User Name: <input type="text" value=":get-user(fundunia):" name="get-user" size="10"/><input type="submit" value="Show"/></form><br/>
you can change funduia to any other user name that you want to show as default user name..
Now to show blogs by selected users, insert this code
:bloglist:o=n,l=5,s=:get-page(1):,n=NO BLOGS YET,x=u ::<div><div>%title%</div>%text-50% <a href="site_2.html?get-id=%id%:admin-hash-amp:"><b>read</b></a></div>:: :get-user(fundunia): :/bloglist:<br/> :paging: n=:geti-page(1):, u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-page=%n% ::<div><b>Pages:</b> [%n%] [%n%] [%n%] ... [%nlast%]</div>:/paging:

:bloglist:o=n,l=5,s=:get-page(1):,n=NO BLOGS YET,x=u ::<div><div>%title%</div>%text-50% <a href="site_2.html?get-id=%id%:admin-hash-amp:"><b>read</b></a></div>:: :get-user(fundunia): :/bloglist:<br/> :paging: n=:geti-page(1):, u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-page=%n% ::<div><b>Pages:</b> [%n%] [%n%] [%n%] ... [%nlast%]</div>:?paging:
Editing New blog creation page:
You would like to edit New blog page to make it like your site.. you can change it. just goto ES > USERS > BLOGS > SETINGS > Set min/maxx values + style of new blog page at the end.. (You can find tags there to use.. You can also use html tags there + some wapka tags also..)
Thats it..
CHANGE SITE ID's AS per your site settings depending on above site id's.. for example.. if you created site_60 and inserted code of site_1 from this tutorial than you must change all codes to site_60 where site_1 in this tutorial.. that way do it for all sites..


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