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This Sugar Mama is available now and ready for dating. This Sugar Mummy, 43, who is eager to start a long-term relationship with a nice and r0mantic man. She has asked us to help her in this quest to meet the perfect gentle young Man. This sugar mummy in Nairobi, Kenya is not looking for M

I am a colorful, lively and adventurous woman. I’ve traveled a bit, I l0ve music and being real…. Mostly reggae and Caribbean. I love going out, meeting people and socializing. I like nature and animals (own a cat and a puppy). I enjoy reading too, photography and video making, and arts in general.’ Am a funny, social, charismatic lady who is ready to try something new. If you can make me laugh, that’s a plus in my book!!

I am down to earth, love to laugh, laughter is my medicine. I love learning as much as I can, exploring life/ideas/how people work, love listening to peoples history. Enjoy spending time with friends and family having wine, with people who are open minded, kind hearted, respect that everyone is different but that’s what beautiful about everyone, we don’t all have to be the same. I am a sincere, kind and smart woman.

I value sincerity in others and I try to open and sincere myself. I also consider myself as a generous person. I am a tender, loving and cheerful woman who loves life. There is also traveling among my interests. And I have been to some foreign countries already. When I have some free time I really enjoy to walk in the nature. I have loved traveling, so wouldn’t mind someone who wants to do it with me.

Love the beach, outdoors, mostly try anything once, love yoga, big fitness fan, can sit on the beach watching the waves roll in and not say a word to anyone. I like being different, am not a follower, more like an individual, love being around people but need my downtime to recharge.  I enjoy someone with intellect and who’s mind challenges me, but only in a good way, makes me think differently is what I like, am only after someone who believes a relationship is about being equal and wanting to be there for one another.

Chemistry, passion, trust, and communication are key items for me, f you think you have those, then it would be fun getting to know you. I am seeking for a caring and for a passionate man, who is ready for a serious and for a long term romantic relationship, am seeking for someone who will love me for whom I am, who will publicly display his affection for me. It’ll be cool if you live Close or not too far from; so we can meet and regularly enjoy each other’s company. I really want to meet a guy I am attracted to and like. He feels my vibes and I feel his.

We get each other’s jokes and laugh at our own jokes. We are able to be goofy but very kind with each other, take care of each other, respect each other, take our relationship seriously and put efforts in making sure it works. I am attracted to men with good hearts, funny, strong but soft with their words. I very much value someone who is loyal, honest and faithful to me. He likes life and knows what he wants. Talks about his feelings to me openly and tells me how he feels deep inside. Basically, I am looking for you my soulmate, my best friend, my everything. The man that will make my

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